JKL Museum

JKL Museum of Telephony - Telephony video's on YouTube

We are grateful for the support that we have received over the past months while getting things organized and building the new JKL Museum of Telephony.

Thanks to the collector community and friends of the JKL Museum a lot of progress is being made at the new location. 

We are still seeking quality items to add to the collection.

Contact us if you can help!

Use the CONTACT FORM to contact us.

+ 1 (209) 755-4949

Email Us at jklcollection@jklmuseum.com

In the main room the aluminum frames for the display cases have been assembled and our cabinet maker is working on the oak wood trim.
Here is a picture of what a completed display case looks like:

Sample display case

The entry hall to the museum is our temporary staging area but the early oak double-wall telephone booth will stay.

The library is waiting for new book shelves because we are running out of shelf space.

The new switchroom has several different types of working central office equipment:

  • a 400 line electromechanical Western Electric Step-by-Step switch
  • a 200 line electromechanical Stromberg-Carlson X-Y switch
  • a 100 line ITEC electronic Step-by Step switch
  • an electromechanical Western Electric cross-bar 756A PABX (under construction)

The Western Electric Step-by-Step switch has pre and post-pay coin trunks and provisions to demonstrate party lines.

The photo gallery below shows some of our progress.

  • The entry hall with an antique oak double wall telephone booth.