The albums on this page contains photos of the museum that was lost in the September 2015 Butte forest fire.
Click on one of the thumbnails below to view the images in a gallery.
Click here for photos of the new JKL Museum in the Santa Cruz CA area.
Museum Areas

500 c/d 1958, soft plastic

Trimline, rotary cord view

2565 painted. Looking for a real one.

Rotary card dialer 660, 1963. It's the real deal. Not as good as an Autovon card dialer, but close.

Eric O'Phone from Ireland

851 - note the trimline style cord on the G12 handset

1500 1966 by Northern Electric

Bottom of pink mag. Likely worked with the NE 500 family of rural magneto dial sets

759 type speaker for a home interphone

The dial looks real... Autelco from Italy.

Concept phone used by AT&T at world fair's and expo's. The dial is real, the rest is a wood model.
Prototype and Field Trail
Telephone Switching
Lyons NE